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Meet Our Partners – Innive

Meet our Partners

Delivering value to our clients through trusted, world-renowned partners. Our collaboration and partnership with these companies allow us to provide high-end resources and expertise, fulfilling our mission of innovation through data.

In 2006, Amazon Web Services (AWS) began offering IT infrastructure services to businesses in the form of web services – now commonly known as cloud computing. Today, AWS provides a highly reliable, scalable, low-cost infrastructure platform in the cloud that powers hundreds of thousands of organizations in 190 countries around the world.


Snowflake is the modern data warehousing solution. Designed exclusively to be a cloud-native data warehouse, Snowflake sees data warehousing differently – through the speedy, elastic and scalable lens of the cloud. Snowflake enables you to spend more time seeing your data and driving analytics, and less time managing your data warehouse.


HTC Global Services are experts in application services, application maintenance and support services, mobile applications, Artificial Intelligence, digital transformation, data management and analytics, and ERP, EGrAMS, HTC CMS. In addition, HTC also specializes in content digitization, eBook conversion, and back office services.


Esri is an international supplier of geographic information system software, web GIS, and geodatabase management applications. The company’s mapping and integrated analytics software is used by more than 300,000 companies, national governments, and cities worldwide.

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The Educational Technology Joint Powers Authority (Ed Tech JPA) bridges the gap between school districts and technology vendors. This partnership saves districts from costly drawn-out procedures, ensures competitive pricing, and protects schools by connecting them with trustworthy premier ed tech opportunities.


Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides the building blocks for creating, scaling and managing data-driven solutions. Whether building for a small department or an entire organization, GCP’s pay-per-use model democratizes access to data at scale. Most importantly, the GCP platform helps companies achieve digital transformation unattainable through traditional tools. 


Google for Education is on a mission to use Google products like G Suite for Education to transform how students and educators work, learn, and collaborate. Together, Google for Education and their partners innovate through technology for both K-12 and Higher Ed Solutions.